30 December 2017

Fuguers Cove makes a best-of list!

Hi, all --

I don't usually get press for Fuguers Cove, in part because we don't perform live or promote, but I'm happy to report that one of the albums I released in 2017 made a best-of list!

Per the Weekly Alibi:

Fuguers Cove is one of the nom de plumes of underground artist Justin Bendell, a dude who really does live somewhere deep in the Manzano Mountains where he writes, makes music and watchs the clouds. Serio. He’s recorded heaps of music since appearing in this part of the material world, but his summer album release, Colours of our Sickness, is like totally sick in its mastery and twisted exression of pop music and guitar rock tropes. Track 12, “Colours of our Love,” reaches toward exhuberant rock anthem status, almost casually, with blistering drums leading the way. I predict The Oh Sees are going to make this album, but maybe not until 2019.   -- August March, Weekly Alibi (29 Dec 2017)


29 December 2017

End-of-Year Updates

Happy new year, folks!

Here are some recent and future happenings:

December 30 2017 -- I have started writing & recording drums and guitar for two new fuguers cove albums (Satanism & After Midnight), a Marshmen EP, a Burning Silos EP, and Anarchist Wolves' "To The Barricades," the long-awaited follow-up to last years Kill the Fascist Seed EP.

December 15 2017 -- formercactus published a tiny story of mine called "Some Nights." Check it out.

early December 2017 -- I started a blog called Lyrics to Every fuguers cove Song I Write. The content is self-explanatory. I only have 20 songs on there now, but I'll keep adding till all 300+ are up.


Coming Soon:

Point Blank Podcast
Kurt & I will be recording Episode 9 of Point Blank Podcast (Cornell Woolrich) and re-recording Episode 6 (Chester Himes) due to an unfortunate technical glitch that damaged the original.

  • fuguers cove "Satanism"
  • fuguers cove "After Midnight"
  • The Marshmen "get slack, fuckers"
  • The Burning Silos "Thrash Wizzaards"
  • Anarchist Wolves "To the Barricades"
  • Euthanized Horse "TBD"

  • Got a poem forthcoming at Origins Online!
  • Working on draft three of crime fiction novel-in-progress